Tap Into The Courage To Honor Your Natural Rhythm (& 3 Simple Tips to Help)

Late last year I was feeling the tug to “get back out there” more actively with my coaching practice after a few years largely focusing my attention and energy on my young daughter.

I spent months working intensively on a rebrand and new website, freshening up old offerings and creating new ones. My head was telling me it was time, so I went ahead and launched those things into the world at the start of 2023.

But deep in my core, I knew that “outward” energy didn’t actually feel fully aligned yet. 

It felt like a push rather than a draw

There were practical factors at play in my decision to flip the switch to turn my practice “on” more fully at that moment, and I essentially let my logical mind — aka ego mind — trump my energetic sense of what truly felt right for my reentry pace. 

I knew, in my body and in the back of my mind, that I was pushing toward this outward phase more from ego rather than trusting my intuitive sense that it actually felt like I was largely still in rest, recover, and repair mode after the whomp my empathic nervous system and body incurred through my first 3.5 years of (pandemic) parenting.

Of course I couldn't will my way out of the recovery and reintegration phase my body and spirit actually needed, though. This year has offered huge lessons in trusting the energetic pace and honoring the needs of my being at the deepest levels, logical mind be damned.

So yes, sometimes the wisest thing we can do is give ourselves a loving nudge toward consistent, disciplined action to meet the universe halfway at the intersection of effort and surrender

But the more attuned we become to the subtler layers of energy within our being, the more we can notice when we’re pushing through force of will with ego or fear - a sense of desperation or urgency - driving the forward motion, versus when the energy feels truly aligned to “get back out there.”

Though this can be a tricky line to toe, can't it?

Discerning between when it’s time to push something forward through disciplined action versus when it’s time to plant seeds, rest, germinate, and then ride the wave of energy and inspiration when it naturally starts to crest again can feel fuzzy, for sure.

But we can prime our awareness to be better able to discern between when it’s time to give ourselves a loving nudge forward and when it’s time to honor a rest/germination/stillness/inward phase.

  • Build your mindfulness muscle.

    Because fine-tuning our attention toward our inner experience a) lets us be able to tell what's actually going on in the moment in as close to objective reality as possible and b) builds self-trust. And we need lots of strong self-trust to be willing to follow our intuitive sense of what feels right for us in a given moment without getting pulled out of our center by ego messages or a sense of urgency or fear.

  • Get in the habit of asking yourself, “What do I need in this moment?”

    Because the more accustomed we become to giving ourselves what we need in small ways in our daily life, the more we build our capacity to meet our bigger, scarier, braver needs down the road.

  • Get in the habit of tuning into, trusting, and following your body’s energetic nudges toward what feel like your authentic “yes’s” and your authentic “no’s”.

    You can start small with bite-sized follow-the-energy practices like:

    *Noticing when you’re hungry or thirsty.

    *Going to the bathroom as soon as you notice you need to.

    *Turning off Netflix as soon as you notice sleepiness crawl through your body (vs. overriding the urge because your mind wants one more episode).

    *Letting your body move when and how it wants to move (allowing yourself to shift position during Zoom meetings, making space for walks between client calls, doing a gentle bounce of your body or a Downward Dog between tasks, etc.).

The more you tend to your body and spirit's needs in simple ways in low-pressure moments, the easier you’ll find it becomes to honor your deeper needs in “bigger” moments.

And if you’re feeling a nudge toward setting yourself up within a safe container with loads of loving support to foster this type of intuition-nurturance, self-trust, and more deeply honoring your authentic desires in this life, I would LOVE to chat with you about the alchemical potency of my 4-6-month Flourish 1:1 coaching series

It’s my absolute favorite way — and hands-down my most profoundly transformational way — to work with clients. Our spacious container lets us dive into the juiciest, most tender, most powerful places within you and gives you the time and space to embody an entirely new way of being. Just reply to this email to set up a time to chat.

I'll be cheering you on as you bravely step toward honoring the pace and rhythm of action in your life that suits your unique spirit.

Lots of Love,



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