Are You Sure That Was Just A Coincidence? (The Magical Power of Synchronicity)

"We do not create our destiny; we participate in its unfolding. Synchronicity works as a catalyst toward the working out of that destiny.”  - David Richo 

I’ve been encountering a lot of synchronicity recently.

Synchronicities are those incidents that seem on the surface simply like happy coincidences. The perfect resource or connection showing up “randomly” in the perfect way at the perfect time. 

But if we tune in more closely, synchronicities can deliver really potent information. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity as "the phenomenon of meaningful coincidence".

Synchronicities are breadcrumbs. Signs from the universe that you’re on your soul-guided path toward just where you're meant to head, even if your logical mind is mired in confusion, doubt, or fear. A nudge for you to trust yourself and keep following your gut hunches forward.

A few of the “breadcrumbs” that have been showing up for me recently: 

  • In an acupuncture waiting room I suddenly felt my eyes called up and then my hand drawn upward like it was being moved on a Ouija board toward one particular book on the bookshelf (a shelf I'd hardly ever even noticed before). I opened the book to the one bookmarked page and found it to contain exactly the reminder I needed to free me up from a sticky internal space I was in that day. I took this as a sign I was clearly meant to read this book, bought a copy, and it was like every word on every page had been written personally to validate and support where I was on my path.

  • My best friend was on vacation in Europe with her family. I'd been thinking about her but hadn't reached out until one day I “randomly” felt called to send a little check-in text. Turns out I texted while she was on a twisty Swiss road taxi ride in the middle of the night to an Emergency Room with her 4-year-old in a scary moment of worry that he might have a serious head injury from a pillow fight gone awry. She later shared that my message came through at the perfect moment to feel like just the little hug from the universe she needed.

  • A few months back I found myself “randomly” plucking a book off my bookshelf that I'd had for years but had never read. I thought, “Hm, that's strange. This topic (on navigating life as an empath) is kind of resonant in my current life, but doesn't feel totally like it's for me right now.” But something nudged me to keep reading it anyway. The next week during an initial session with a beautiful client my intuition went immediately to what a clear empath she was, so I asked her if she'd ever considered herself empathic. She told me she had, and that in fact she was currently reading the same book. (Mystery solved :))

  • A beloved longtime client who I hadn't spoken to in months started popping into my head one week out of the blue. I did a double take in a yoga class the same week when I saw a woman who looked so much like this client that I literally thought maybe she was visiting San Francisco. The client then showed up in my inbox the next day asking about doing a few refresh sessions together.


Synchronicities aren’t always some huge WOW. They tend to show up more just as a light energetic nudge to text that friend or pick up that book even though you're not quite sure why; or as some intuitive sense that manifests in external reality shortly after you've received the “hit”.

At the moment, we don’t usually have any conscious clue why we're taking the action we're taking. We tend to rationalize what we're doing with some logical reason only to learn later that there was some energetic connection magnetizing those circumstances to intersect in that “perfect” way.

And the sense of awe we feel when things fall into place in this magical-feeling way is a key part of what distinguishes synchronicity from mere coincidence. 

Synchronicities are a blend of intuition, energy, and spiritual guidance. As internationally renowned intuitive Sonia Choquette puts it: 

"Synchronicities are not flukes or random events – they're intentional reflections of our intuition working with the perfect order of all things in the unseen world."

Everything in the universe is elementally connected, but synchronicity helps us feel a part of that magical universal web of interconnectedness.

And noticing when these "meaningful coincidences" arise is a fantastic way to boost your intuition. As you tune into synchronicity, you'll start to see that you're way more plugged into the universe than you may have realized.

And you truly are beautifully connected to the entire universe. All you have to do is pay attention enough to enjoy that reality.

So play with tuning your awareness in to any incidents in your days that your logical mind would normally write off as mere coincidence. Start collecting evidence of sweet, effortless, life-affirming connection wherever you notice it. 

Here's to all those happy "coincidences" supportively nudging your soul forward on its path.

Lots of Love,



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