How To Get The Message Quickly So The Painful Messenger Can Go Away

Earlier this year experienced my first ever bout of true, nights where I never actually fell asleep, insomnia.

After four years of baby- and toddler-disrupted sleep patterns, peri-menopausal hormone shifts potentially swirling, and the cumulative stress of a multi-year global pandemic mixed in, at first the most obvious thought was that it was time to get my physical “house” back in order. 

I read a book addressing insomnia in women, diligently made all the practical suggested shifts in my “sleep hygiene” routine, and set up hormone panels with a naturopath to check out where things might be physically out of balance.

And while those actions definitely made sense, I simultaneously felt this clear intuitive undercurrent running beneath those realignment tactics. 

A kind but fiercely clear voice deep within my core was saying:

"This is your wake-up call."

This is how intuitive hits are, right? Quiet but clear, and when you hear them, you don't just hear them — you feel their Truth reverberating through your entire being.

Once I heard - and felt - that Truth ring through my body, it all clicked into place.

How my conscious mind needed this LITERAL wake-up call to turn my attention toward some deep recovering and reintegrating that was asking to happen within me on not just my body's physical path, but on my soul's spiritual path.

My marching orders from the universe felt crystal clear. It was time to not only turn attention toward my physical body but to reignite my energetic body and flip the switch of my life force back on.

I got back into a routine with a wonderful healing team of acupuncturist and chiropractor to help clear the channels and get energy flow moving again. I reignited my yoga practice.

And the universe started lobbing me all kinds of amazing synchronicities — exactly the resources and connections and intuitive hits I needed at exactly the moment I needed them — to keep settling the reintegration process into embodiment.

But back in the days before I was fortunate enough to have been led on a path toward yoga and mindfulness and the energetic, mind-body-connection realm, I likely would have missed the message in this wake-up call entirely. 

I probably would have focused almost exclusively on the physical side of things, missing any deeper, more spirit-nudging messages. 

Or, worse yet, I likely would have gotten trapped in ego-driven victim thinking: “Why is this happening to me?! I’ll never sleep again. This is hopeless" and not taken any action at all to get back into alignment…

Which would have forced whatever soul-level message was trying to come into consciousness to shout more loudly in order to capture my attention. 

And that's the thing:

The more conscious we become, the less painfully, less loudly, and less extensively the universe needs to “knock on our door” to get our attention.

If we're tuned in enough to “catch” the first, quietest whispers signaling to us that something's out of whack within us and we take aligned action to return things toward center right then, those painful tactics don't have to amplify.

The sooner we get the message, the sooner the attention-grabbing messenger can fade away.

Looking back, I truly view that bout of insomnia with a ton of gratitude as one of the sweetest yet most effective wake-up calls I possibly could have received: Fierce enough to capture my full attention, but gentle enough to dissolve as soon as I got the message.

Ignoring those intuitive, deeply-felt-within-you whispers won't make them go away. Your spirit is wise enough and loving enough to do whatever it needs to do to capture your attention when it comes to pointing you toward your most vibrant expression and deepest well-being. 

So when you feel just brave enough, lean into those whispers and listen for what's really being asked of you. Then take some aligned action.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much sweeter and gentler future messages will start to feel once you let yourself tune into the soul calls presenting themselves to you right here, right now.

Lots of Love,



Are You Sure That Was Just A Coincidence? (The Magical Power of Synchronicity)


You Don’t Have to KNOW. Just NOTICE. (The magic of creativity and the alchemical art of attention.)