We’re Not Just Looking For Change. We’re Seeking TRANSFORMATION. (Why diving deep within ourselves is worth the risk.)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between change and transformation recently. Both in my own life and in witnessing the transformations sparking and settling into newly embodied ways of being with my incredible coaching clients these days.

Change is important, no question, and certainly can be wonderful and powerful. But transformation is a different beast entirely.

Transformation is alchemical

When something transforms, the entire essence of the thing that previously existed shape-shifts into a completely new configuration and operating system.

Transformation opens up a different filter through which we see the world with fresh eyes.

We know something is alchemizing within us when we find ourselves saying things like (as I hear my clients say all the time): “I feel like a completely different person.” 

Or as one brilliant, beloved client of mine said in a session recently in reflection of the fruits of her soul-aligned transformation: “I feel like I'm walking around a different planet."

As true transformation settles into our being, it's almost like we can't even find our old self. It's as if the previous version of ourselves has just “poofed” — vaporized; dissolved. 

And the magical thing is, because this type of deep transformation is always spirit-led and for our highest good, once that old self gets to the “poofing” point, our new Self (more capital S-Self-centered) is so solid that it's not even scared or worried about that dissolution of our old identity. 

Because from our new vantage point on our upward spiral of consciousness, that old small-s self doesn't even make sense anymore. The old self's way of doing and being just doesn't resonate anymore with our newly elevated energetic frequency. It just “bonks.”

Change leads to a new way of doing.

Transformation leads to a new way of being.

Transformation cracks the shell of our old sense of fixed, solid identity and then dissolves that shell — revealing a freshly enlivened core Self that leads our path forward from a lit-up place of greater alignment, integrity, curiosity, compassion, and authentic connection.

Change can happen by focusing the mind in a particular direction and placing effort and consistent action in that direction — which is absolutely important on our growth path.

But transformation doesn’t rely on the conceptual mind at all.

Transformation happens deeper within us. It gets at our core essence.

Transformation is energetic and happens in and through our bodies.

Transformations isn't just about changing habits or mindset or perspective. Transformation churns and wrings out something deeper within us. 

Transformation is a cleansing process. A purification. A detoxification. 

Transformation alchemizes what's here now into a higher-frequency, more integrated, more expansive form.

So yes, learning to change our habits and shift our mindset is incredibly valuable.

But if you truly want to experience life in a way that feels deeply aligned and connected and enlivening, that can only happen by slowing down. Getting present.

And dropping into your body to see what’s swirling deep within your being, calling for the courage for soul-level transformation. 

This type of magical alchemy, spurred on by signs of synchronicity popping up left and right from the universe cheering you on that “Yes! You're on the right path! Keep going!!” unfolds naturally as we drop into our inner landscape with curious, warm, consistent attention, intention, and spaciousness.

And it's the type of soul-level transformation I witness within my Flourish coaching clients every day. If this type of whole-being transformation is tugging at you at this moment on your journey, be in touch to connect. I would be honored to guide and accompany you through this gateway of spirit-sparking alchemy.

Lots of Love,



Life Lessons From a Yoga Mat (You’re not back at the same old place. You’re spiraling upward.)


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